Women and the Environment: Ecofeministic Approach to Environmental Attitudes and Behavior in Iran
Fahimeh Hosseinnezhad 1 *
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1 Hacettepe University, TURKEY* Corresponding Author


In the contemporary world industry, urbanization, and capitalism have destroyed the environment on such a large-scale that to solve this problem would require expensive and long-term treatments. Public participation is a low-cost way to address these issues. Women are able to protect the environment because some of the environment's problems begin from the home. The current research is using the survey based on quantitative research method to investigate the theory of ecofeminism, the attitudes and behaviors of women and men regarding the environment. Data collected thorugh questionnaire and multiple choice questions. Results of this study show that women pay more attention to the environment. Efficient consumption of energy, use of public transport, waste separation, reuse of certain goods, and the avoidance of waste dumping in the environment are significant for women, but men show little interest in these behaviors. Women are more supportive of the environment than men are.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2017, Article No: 4


Publication date: 17 Jan 2017

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