Editorial Board

Editor-in Chief

Marc A. Rosen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada)

Dr. Marc A. Rosen is a professor of mechanical and manufacturing engineering at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, where he served as founding Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. He has served as editor-in-chief of several journals including Sustainability, Biofuels, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research. He has written numerous books, co-authored over 700 journal articles, and received over 70 research grants. His research topics include cogeneration, district energy, efficiency improvement, electricity generation, energy, environmental impact assessment and reduction, exergy analysis, heat transfer, hydrogen energy and fuel cells, integrated energy systems, modelling and simulation of energy systems, renewable energy, solar energy, sustainable energy, wind energy, thermal energy storage, and thermodynamics. He has worked for Imatra Power Company in Finland, Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, and the Institute for Hydrogen Systems near Toronto. 
Dr. Rosen has served as president of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. He is a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Energy Foundation, and Canadian Society for Senior Engineers.
Dr. Rosen has received numerous awards and honours, including an Award of Excellence in Research and Technology Development from the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Engineering Institute of Canada's Smith Medal for achievement in the development of Canada, and the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering's Angus Medal for outstanding contributions to the management and practice of mechanical engineering. He received a distinguished scholar award from Ryerson University and a Mid-Career Award from University of Toronto. 

W: https://engineering.ontariotechu.ca/people/mme/marc.rosen.php

E: Marc.Rosen@uoit.ca

ORCID: 0000-0002-6559-0094 Scopus Author ID: 7401477722


Editorial Board Members

Abbas M. Hassan, Biohousing Research Center, Chonnam National University (Republic of Korea) & Department of Sustainable Architecture, Alazhar University (Egypt)

E: arch_abbas2002@yahoo.com

Scopus Author ID: 55937905400

Annamaria Di Fabio,  University of Florence, (Italy)

W: Annamaria Di Fabio

E: annamaria.difabio@unifi.it

ORCID: 0000-0002-5150-1273 Scopus Author ID: 23097256500

Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis,  Scientific Director of Cyprus Centre for Environmental Research and Education & Chair of the European Network for Environmental Citizenship  - ENEC (Cyprus)

W: http://kykpee.org/en/hadjichambis/

E: a.hadjichambis@cytanet.com.cy

ORCID: 0000-0001-6833-7046 Scopus Author ID: 16645430700

Andrew Kusiak, College of Engineering, The University of Iowa (USA)

W: https://engineering.uiowa.edu/people/andrew-kusiak

E: andrew-kusiak@uiowa.edu

ORCID: 0000-0003-4393-1385 Scopus Author ID: 26643635700 WoS ResearcherID: F-7935-2015

Angeliki N. Menegaki, Organismos Georgikon Asfaliseon (Greece)

E: amenegaki@aua.gr

ORCID: 0000-0003-0506-1243 Scopus Author ID: 16053108400

Chaman Verma, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)

W: https://www.inf.elte.hu/en/staff/chaman-verma

E: chaman@inf.elte.hu

ORCID: 0000-0002-9925-112X Scopus Author ID: 57201620719 WoS ResearcherID: A-5517-2018

Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez, PhD, Universidad de Talca, Chile and Federal University of Southern Bahia (BRAZIL)

E: santibanez.ernesto@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-5753-8325 Scopus Author ID: 55339211600 WoS ResearcherID: AAF-7331-2020

Evanthia A. Nanaki, University of Western Macedonia (Greece)

W: https://www.evananaki.eu/

E: evananaki@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID: 16203605800

Faruque Hossain, Kennesaw State University (USA) and CEO, Green Globe Technology, Inc. (USA)

E: faruque55@aol.com

ORCID: 0000-0003-2855-2715 Scopus Author ID: 57040351600

Govindarajan Venkatesh, Department of Engineering and Chemical Sciences, Karlstad University (Sweden)

W: https://www.kau.se/en/employees/venkatesh-govindarajan

E: venkatesh.govindarajan@kau.se

Scopus Author ID: 26023888300

Giuseppe Marco Tina, University of Catania (Italy)

W: https://www.dieei.unict.it/docenti/giuseppemarco.tina?eng

E: giuseppe.tina@dieei.unict.it

ORCID: 0000-0003-3896-1838 Scopus Author ID: 6603483352 WoS ResearcherID: J-1855-2012

João Carlos O. Matias, Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty / University of Beira Interior (Portugal)

W: https://www.ua.pt/en/p/80513810

E: jmatias@ua.pt

ORCID: 0000-0003-4329-6246 Scopus Author ID: 56015094400 WoS ResearcherID: AAU-9847-2020

John Buckeridge, Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University (Australia)

W: https://www.rmit.edu.au/contact/staff-contacts/academic-staff/b/buckeridge-professor-john

E: john.buckeridge@rmit.edu.au

ORCID: 0000-0001-6510-5629 Scopus Author ID: 57216539546

José Carlos Pires, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (Portugal)

W: https://www.lepabe.fe.up.pt/j_pires.html

E: jcpiresfe.up.pt

ORCID: 0000-0002-2738-5102 Scopus Author ID: 57199322750 WoS ResearcherID: I-8129-2013

Josep Temi Vives-Rego, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona (Spain)

E: jvives@porthos.bio.ub.es

Scopus Author ID: 7005838440

Maria de Fátima Castro, School of Engineering, University of Minho (Portugal)

W: http://mfcastro.com/

E: info@mfcastro.com

ORCID: 0000-0003-0753-1915 Scopus Author ID: 55421334100 WoS ResearcherID: R-6049-2017

Natalia Balcazar, ENVIROpro, European Environmental Project Management (Germany)

E: n.balcazar@enviro-pro.de

Pedro Soares Moura, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra (Portugal)

E: pmoura@isr.uc.pt

ORCID: 0000-0003-4852-2812 Scopus Author ID: 6602534086 WoS ResearcherID: B-9227-2011

Praveen Kumar, Arunai Engineering College (India)

E: praveenramanujam@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-5239-7431 Scopus Author ID: 12240296400 WoS ResearcherID: K-7368-2014

Radu Godina, Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Beira Interior (Portugal)

E: r.godina@fct.unl.pt

ORCID: 0000-0003-1244-5624 Scopus Author ID: 56586027200 WoS ResearcherID: P-5118-2019

Rahul R. Bhosale, University of Tennessee, (USA)

W: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=V8mqem8AAAAJ

E: rahul-bhosale@utc.edu

Scopus Author ID: 55643873100 WoS ResearcherID: K-3130-2012

Samer Abu Ghazaleh, Department of Architecture, University of Jordan (Jordan)

E: samabughaz@yahoo.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-9137-7860 Scopus Author ID: 6506192583

Saurabh Kumar Dixit, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, North Eastern Hill University (India)

W: https://nehu.irins.org/profile/57573

E: saurabh5sk@yahoo.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-9478-084X Scopus Author ID: 57195132858 WoS ResearcherID: F-7856-2015

Selma Sinan, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)

E: Selmasinan@utexas.edu 

ResearchGate  Scopus Author ID: 6603370206

Shaharudin Bin Ab Razak, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya (Malaysia)

E: shahdin@um.edu.my

ORCID: 0000-0001-6498-3833

Sylvie Faucheux, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (France)

W: http://sylviefaucheux.fr/

E: sylvie.faucheux@cnam.fr

Scopus Author ID: 6602718255

Vincenzo Torretta, Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, (Italy)

W: https://www.uninsubria.it/hpp/vincenzo.torretta

E: vincenzo.torretta@uninsubria.it

ORCID: 0000-0002-7594-1169 Scopus Author ID: 55203392100


Editorial Assistant

Aleksandra Piljak, MSc
Modestum DOO, Serbia