Analytical Review on the Trends and Present Situation of Large-scale Sustainable Energy Storage Technology
Arslan Habib 1 * , Chan Sou 2
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1 Northwestern Polytechnical University, CHINA2 State Grid Tianjin Energy Saving Service Co., Ltd, CHINA* Corresponding Author


Energy storage technology is to achieve large-scale access to renewable energy sources; the key technology for improving efficiency, safety and economy of power systems is also to increase the ratio of clean energy to power generation, and effective means of promoting haze governance. By the end of 2015, the total installed capacity of the global energy storage equipment was about 167 GW, about 2.9% of the world's total installed power; the energy storage equipment in China is 22.8 GW, about 1.7% of the total installed power of the country. By 2050, China's energy storage equipment will reach 200 GW; the market size will reach more than 2 trillion RMB. The existing energy storage technologies include pumped storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, superconducting storage, lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, sodium sulfur batteries, liquid flow batteries and super capacitors. Different energy storage technologies are applicable to different applications and fields, depending on system power and discharge time, the main application areas of energy storage technology can be divided into three parts: energy management, power bridging and power quality management. Future energy storage market development will focus on distributed energy storage, distributed photovoltaic PV + energy storage, Micro grid, distribution network side and user side and other fields. In recent years, China's energy storage industry has accelerated the pace of development in terms of project planning, policy support and capacity layout, in the next few years, with the rapid development of renewable energy industry, the energy storage market will also enjoy rapid growth. However, the energy storage industry in this country is still in the initial stage of development, and it is mainly based on demonstration and application, the commercial application of energy storage faces the high cost of storage and the imperfect market of power exchange. Energy storage technology route is not mature, lack of energy storage, effective price and effective incentives are both opportunities and challenges.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2018, Article No: 31

Publication date: 09 Jul 2018

Online publication date: 21 May 2018

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