Ecosystems are complex compendia of biotic and abiotic components and characterized by exchanges of energy and mass. Via the actions and functions of the resident components which assemble into communities, ecosystems provide both direct/indirect tangible and intangible services to human society as well as the natural world. This holds true for ecosystems which cut across various scales and niches. Various frameworks have been devised to categorize and evaluate the services provided by ecosystems and/or their components. In this study, the services elicited by three specific communities occupying different ecosystem niches and having distinct scalar resolution are assessed. Firstly, the microbial communities which reside in the mammalian gut ecosystem, the microbial communities in the soil and the indigenous/local communities who inhabit the ecosystems comprising their traditional landscapes. Further, the roles and functions of these diverse communities, separated by scale and mostly and largely contributing to the homeostasis and functionality of their corresponding ecosystems, are evaluated. The services rendered by these communities are then mapped to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Finally, the importance of these communities in maximizing social, economic and ecological capital is pointed out.
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Article Type: Research Article
EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Article No: em0122
Publication date: 21 Mar 2020
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How to cite this article
Sudhakar, P. (2020). Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Capabilities of Communities from different Scales and Niches - Implications on Sustainability Goals. European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 4(3), em0122. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejosdr/7843
Sudhakar P. Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Capabilities of Communities from different Scales and Niches - Implications on Sustainability Goals. EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES. 2020;4(3):em0122. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejosdr/7843
Sudhakar P. Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Capabilities of Communities from different Scales and Niches - Implications on Sustainability Goals. EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES. 2020;4(3), em0122. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejosdr/7843
Sudhakar, Padhmanand. "Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Capabilities of Communities from different Scales and Niches - Implications on Sustainability Goals". European Journal of Sustainable Development Research 2020 4 no. 3 (2020): em0122. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejosdr/7843
Sudhakar, P. (2020). Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Capabilities of Communities from different Scales and Niches - Implications on Sustainability Goals. European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 4(3), em0122. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejosdr/7843
Sudhakar, Padhmanand "Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Capabilities of Communities from different Scales and Niches - Implications on Sustainability Goals". European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, vol. 4, no. 3, 2020, em0122. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejosdr/7843