Comparison of SHF and SSF Processes under Fed Batch Mode on Ethanol Production from Pretreated Vegetable Processing Residues
Madhanamohanan G. Mithra 1, Moothandassery S. Sajeev 1, Gouri Padmaja 1 *
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1 Division of Crop Utilization, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram- 695 017, Kerala, INDIA* Corresponding Author


Vegetable wastes containing high starch in contrast to lignocellulosic biomass cause environmental threat due to non-judicious disposal and have not been exploited for bioethanol production. The ethanol production from steam or dilute sulphuric acid (DSA) pretreated residues was compared under fed-batch Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation (F-SHF) or Simultaneous Saccharification and fermentation (F-SSF). The volumetric ethanol productivity, ethanol yields and ethanol contents (g/L) were higher from DSA than steam pretreatment in F-SHF, while latter two did not differ significantly between the pretreatments under F-SSF mode. High RS utilization was observed towards the last phase (72-120 h) in steam pretreatment under F-SSF. Fermented broth from F-SSF had higher levels of inhibitors such as phenolics, furfural and Hydroxymethyl furfural compared to F-SHF and also in the DSA pretreatment. A comparison of the ethanol production from the processes vis-à-vis enzyme and yeast feeding and pretreatment conditions, overall processing time etc. showed that F-SSF had higher requirement of enzymes and yeast than F-SHF. Possibility to curtail fermentation at 24 h under F-SHF mode due to very low ethanol production after 24 h equated the processing time under the two modes to 120 h and this made F-SHF the most advantageous process for the selected residues.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2019, Article No: em0084

Publication date: 03 Mar 2019

Online publication date: 11 Nov 2018

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