Creep and Stress Relaxation Behaviour of Rice Husk Reinforced Low Density Polyethylene Composites
Kenechi Nwosu-Obieogu 1 * , Felix Osarumhensen Aguele 1, Linus Ikechi Chiemenam 1, Kelechi Noble Akatobi 1, Kufre Osoh 2, Chinelo Scholastica Onyekwulu 3
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1 Chemical Engineering Department, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, NIGERIA2 Chemistry Department, Akwaibom State College of Science and Technology, Nung Ukim, NIGERIA3 Chemical Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, NIGERIA* Corresponding Author


The creep and stress relaxation behavior of rice husk reinforced low density polyethylene composite was analyzed in this study. The exponential and power model were used to study the creep while the stress relaxation assessed the time required for the composites to maintain a certain strain level. The creep strain increased with increase in time, at various temperatures, with its highest creep at 70oC while the lowest is at 30oC, the power model provided an excellent fit than other models with a coefficient of determination of 0.9977 at 30oC, the neat low density polyethylene had a good stress relaxation behavior with 4.95 seconds for it to decay and subsequently decreased with increase in filler concentration.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Article No: em0144

Publication date: 28 Nov 2020

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