Sharp Teacher Training and the New Constructal Pedagogical Supervision Theory for Sustainable Development
Luís Miguel Horta 1 *
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1 Agrupamento de Escolas Nº1 de Abrantes, PORTUGAL* Corresponding Author


We live in the information age but we can only increase the benefit if we look to permanently promote more efficiently the use of the cyberspace for creative thinking; pedagogical innovation; sustainable development education; the new constructal pedagogical supervision; scientific, technological, and engineering advances share like the constructal law, green chemistry, and green energy; Portuguese Cultural Heritage; economic growth; and biotechnology through the quality pedagogical resources and Web 2.0 already putted in place in there and all those that are to come available. So more “state-of-the-art” teachers training for continuous update are needed, and we know too that adequate training can lead to better judgments and better performance. In Portugal, the pedagogical supervision theories thrive with lots of different institutions like universities and polytechnics offering MSc. and PhD programs in these subjects, to these theories is add now the constructal pedagogical supervision theory for sustainable development. New training courses are needed for teachers so can have a bigger variety for their choices, while achieving the United Nations goals for sustainable development.


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Article Type: Review Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2022, Article No: em0183

Publication date: 12 Mar 2022

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